Suomen kielen oppikirja aikuisille." Suomen mestari 3.

Vocabulary topics present in Suomen mestari 3 cover more abstract topics than the previous books. You can find, for example, content related to Finnish culture and art, protection of the environment, Finland’s history, geography and social life. Combined with this are topics that immigrants in Finland might run into, such as writing an email about one’s residence permit to the police. There are also several topics which require the learner to compare the situation in their home country to that in Finland (e.g. family and city life). Being able to compare more abstract topics is of great importance if you intend to participate in the YKI-testi. A lot of detail has also been put into expressing your opinion and feelings.

Spoken language is used in all the dialogues. Included are many of the elements present in spoken language. This book does not limit itself to just personal pronouns. You get sentences such as “mä en oo vielä vastannu” and “mä tuun meiän yläkerran naapurin kans sisään“. This is important because that’s the way Finnish is actually spoken. Suomen mestari 3 does include written Finnish. It does this in a logical and consistent manner. There’s a clear division between texts that would generally be written in standard Finnish (newspaper articles, official emails, explanations about Finnish history) and texts that generally are written in spoken Finnish (emails to friends, postcards, text messages).

The grammar of Suomen mestari 3 contains verb forms that are pretty often glanced over in other course books. The normal A2.1-A2.2 verb topics are covered (e.g. the and ), but they’ve been expanded to contain, for example, (olisin tehnyt), (tehtäisiin) and the passive plusquamperfect (oli tehty). In addition to verbs, the book also looks at the and case, , , and , which will help you get to level B1. While the verb forms included in this book may go beyond the A2.2-level it says it’s aimed at, each chapter contains valuable phrases and grammar tidbits.

Uudistettu sanasto suomi-englanti" Suomen mestari 1.

There is only one version of Suomen mestari 3 and 4. The revamp of the whole series is still underway, so we can maybe expect to see a renewed version of Suomen mestari 3 in the future. I will update this page when there is any new information about this. As of May 2024, there is no information about the publishing schedule.

In Suomen mestari 3, there seems to be an abrupt increase in the length (and to some extent also in difficulty) of the reading texts compared to the earlier books. Another big difference between the second book and the third book is the usage of spoken language. In Suomen mestari 3, most of the texts are written in spoken language.

Digital version of Suomen mestari 3 (currently not available)

I’m anticipating that Finn Lectura will publish similar types of exercises for Suomen mestari 2 as they have recently done for the first book. So far, they are not available yet (as of April 2024).

Äänite CD" Uudistettu Suomen mestari 1.

Also available for Suomen mestari 2 is which includes the audio of the listening exercises in text form. This might help you if you want to read along while you listen. In addition, this PDF also contains the solutions to the exercises of the newest book. Note that these solutions are also included in the back of the physical book, making this kind of redundant. If you have the digital version of the book, the pages will be clickable in your browser to show you the correct answers.

Uudistettu sanasto suomi-englanti" Suomen mestari 2.

The answers to the exercises in Suomen mestari 3 are listed in the back of the book. As such, I’m a little bit baffled why Finn Lectura is selling the solutions of specifically the listening exercises separately. I’m assuming this product also contains the full texts of each of the listening exercises, but the website doesn’t specify this. You can buy these solutions .

Uudistettu sanasto suomi-ukraina" Suomen mestari 1.

If you have the physical “uudistettu” version of Suomen mestari 2 (released 2020 and later), you can listen to the audio on your phone through the Otso-app. Find this app on your phone by searching for “Otso sovellus” in the Play Store. Once you’ve installed it, open it and click the red button that says “Skannaa kansi“. Then, scan the front of your copy of the book! It should show you the right cover when it recognizes what you’re scanning. Next, you will scan the individual pages of the book in the same way to start listening to the content. For the texts, you will be able to listen both to a standard language version and a colloquial language version. The app includes the reading texts and printed dialogues of the book as well as the listening exercises.

Printed version of Suomen mestari 1

I’m anticipating that Finn Lectura will publish similar types of exercises for Suomen mestari 3 as they have recently done for the first book. There is no information yet about the publishing schedule of these.

Digital version (digikirja) of Suomen mestari 1

Teacher’s guide for Suomen mestari 3

English digital version (digikirja) of Suomen mestari 1

Suomen mestari 4 opettajan opas täydentää Suomen mestari 4 -oppikirjaa monin lisäharjoituksin ja kalvopohjin. Mukana ovat myös kuunteluharjoitusten tekstit ja oikeat ratkaisut.

Uudistettu Suomen mestari 2" Suomen mestari 2.

I think Suomen mestari 4 is very nice for students who are already level B1 and are working on getting to level B2. If you’re mainly looking for a book to learn and practice and , you will also get a lot out of this book, as each chapter covers a different participle or construction. In addition to these, the book pays special attention to and their derivation, and . I personally consider those much more important than the participles. The book starts by teaching you one participle at a time, and then starts combining them when getting to and other complex sentence types.

Visual online version (näköisversio) of Suomen mestari 1

The grammar in the first part of Suomen mestari 2 is typical for more or less level A2.1-A2.2: , , , the and infinitive, and . In the last two chapters, we take a jump into the , and . This is strange when the third book dives back into and conjugations. It’s likely this was done in order to not make Suomen mestari 2 too verb-oriented, as it already contains very many verb forms.