Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2010

Veikkaus’ change of heart convinced the politicians, and opinions quickly started to shift towards introducing a partial licensing system. On September 9, 2022, a survey was published, according to which only one smaller parliamentary party, the Christian Democrats (three percent support), was opposed to the idea of giving up the monopoly system, while the rest either supported the change or were open to considering the options for the monopoly system. The National Coalition Party (“NCP”), back then an opposition party and the biggest party in Finland according to polls, came out first. At the end of September 2022, the NCP stated that Finland should immediately start preparing to shift to a partial licensing system. This caused the other parties to go silent for a few months since the parliamentary elections were only six months away, and repeating NCP’s statement did not make sense politically. At the end of December 2022, first the Social Democrats, at the time the party of the prime minister and the second biggest party in the polls, stated that they recognized the need for the change. The following day, the Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering stated that the government had a unanimous view on the abolition of the Veikkaus monopoly on digital games. Practically this meant that a wide political consensus had been reached that a partial licensing system, including online casino games and betting, will be the direction in which Finland must head in the future.

The purpose of the preliminary study was to provide information to support the government formation talks.According to the rapporteurs, gambling outside the monopoly system has increased and causes significant gambling-related harm.The rapporteurs presented two options for developing the gambling system: strengthening the current gambling monopoly system or switching to a licence model for online casino games and online betting.The project will draw up the necessary legislative proposals for the reform of the gambling system, such as the games covered by the licence system, the licence fees and taxation, gambling management tools and other prevention of gambling-related harm, as well as the control and marketing of gambling activities.According to the Government Programme, the monopoly activities remaining with Veikkaus and the activities in the competitive market will be separated into different companies within the same group.The project will also investigate the transfer of game machines to separate controlled areas.The aim is to strengthen supervision of the gambling industry when entering the licence system.The preparation will take into account the social impacts of the licence system, especially the impacts on gambling-related harm.

The monitoring system is used to verify betting games’ compliance with rules and regulations and to provide the criteria for the monitoring of games, provided by law and decree.
Monitoring checks the amounts of prizes in the games. This means that the betting turnover, rejected coupons and prizes are checked in the game material sealed by monitoring, and the amounts of prizes are calculated. These results are compared with Veikkaus’ calculations of prizes. When the comparison of game materials is in order, the monitoring system confirms the monitoring protocol.

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2010

In October 2023, Finland officially initiated a legislative reform project to replace its current gambling monopoly system with a partial licensing system. The first draft law, which offers an initial view of the future licensing framework, was published in July 2024. According to the draft, the B2C licensing application process will begin in 2026, with licensees granted permission to operate in the Finnish market at the beginning of 2027. B2B licensing will commence in 2027, and starting at the beginning of 2028, licensed B2C operators will be required to use only licensed B2B providers. In terms of products, fixed-odds betting, pari-mutuel betting, online casino games, online e-bingo and online slots will transition to the licensing system, while all other products will remain under Veikkaus’ exclusive rights.

Veikkaus’ total market share is currently at 70 percent, with an online market share of 53 percent. When it comes to the competitive online verticals, namely casino games and fixed-odds sports betting, Veikkaus’ market share has been estimated to be around 30 percent. Monopolies are an exception to the EU’s basic freedoms, namely the freedom to provide services and the freedom of establishment. Rules that restrict basic EU freedoms must be justified by imperative requirements in the general interest, be suitable for achieving the pursued objectives, and not go beyond what is necessary to attain them. For years, Finland has justified its gambling monopoly primarily by claiming that it is the most effective way to prevent and reduce gambling-related harm and protect the vulnerable. Without getting into the argument as to whether or not Finland has been successful, it should be noted that when the channelization rate drops too low, it is not possible, even in theory, to reach that aim. In general, 50 percent has been considered the “magic line”, and Finland is perilously close to getting there. As there is no possibility for Veikkaus’ to arrest its declining market share, it means that Finland’s EU law justification for the gambling monopoly is deteriorating, and sooner rather than later, Finland will have to go through a system change anyway. As that is the case, from Veikkaus’ perspective, the only real question is whether they will have a better or a worse starting position for the competitive market.

Only the exclusive right holder, Veikkaus, may provide and market gambling services legally in Finland. There are several restrictions concerning the Relevant Products due to responsible gambling requirements (see question 2.8 below). For instance, all online customers must:
■ be at least 18 years of age;
■ have a Finnish bank account;
■ have a Finnish social security number; and
■ have a permanent address in Finland.
Veikkaus is obliged to verify a person’s identity and place of residence when they are opening a player account online to ascertain that the player is not a minor and that the territorial scope of the legislation of another state or region is honoured. Slot machines in stores, restaurants, kiosks, services stations and other locations outside gambling halls and casinos have also been subject to compulsory authentication since early 2021. For compulsory authentication, it is enough to present a Veikkaus customer card and it is not necessary to provide ID. Free games before players are registered are also forbidden. Further, there are other product-specific, player-specific, game genre and game type quantitative and temporal restrictions due to responsible gambling measures (see question 2.8 below). Veikkaus has the following compulsory loss limits in place: €500/day; €2,000/month; and €15,000/year. Compulsory loss limits apply only for authenticated gambling, i.e., they do not apply to slot and casino games available in gambling halls and casinos or to lottery products and scratch cards bought from the retail sector. Only the annual limit applies to betting. There are plans to include lottery products and scratch cards within authenticated gambling no later than 1 January 2024, which would also extent the applicability of the compulsory loss limits. Furthermore, all marketing activities of Veikkaus must be carried out in a socially responsible manner.

Pitkäveto on suomalaisten suosikki jo pitkältä ajalta, eikä syyttä. Lajin helppous viehättää, sillä pitkävedossa veikataan pääosin 1X2-kohteita ottelun lopputuloksesta. Ei siis tasoituksia mihinkään suuntaan tai muita krumeluureja.

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2007

In this Finnish campaign by SEK Finland for sports betting company Veikkaus, both the unexpected and the experts are portrayed.

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2007

Palvelumuotoilupäällikkönä vastaat Veikkauksen Betting & iCasino -liiketoiminnan digitaalisen kanavan käyttökokemuksesta ja sen kehittämisen ohjaamisesta. Toimit myös palvelumuotoilu-, UX- ja UI- suunnittelijatiimin esihenkilönä. Roolissasi olet keskeisessä asemassa kehittämässä Veikkauksen uusia digitaalisia palveluita ja auttamassa kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan suunnittelussa.

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2007

Veikkaus is a Finnish betting office, fully owned by the government and has an exclusive legal betting license on lotteries and sports betting in Finland. Veikkaus is the biggest e-commerce business in Finland with sales over 900 million euros

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2007

Veikkaus is a Finnish betting office, fully owned by the government and has an exclusive legal betting license on lotteries and sports betting in Finland. Veikkaus is the biggest e-commerce business in Finland with sales over 900 million euros

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2007

On sanomattakin selvää, että eri lajien pitkäveto kohteet edellyttävät toisistaan poikkeavaa osaamista. Esimerkiksi jääkiekkoasiantuntija ei välttämättä tiedä mitään jalkapallovihjeistä – vaikka usein toki urheilukiinnostus ja -tietämys kulkeekin lajien välillä, läheskään aina näin ei ole. Meiltä löytyy asiantuntijoita useisiin eri lajeihin, jotta näin laaja kattaus pitkävetoa on mahdollista. Yhdellä vihjaajalla se tuskin olisi mahdollista!

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2007

Juha-Matti Mäkilä, Vice President, Betting Operations at Veikkaus, commented: “We’re thrilled to partner with OpenBet in this venture. By using their deep-rooted expertise and top-tier technology solutions, we will redefine the user experience and elevate our sports betting offering. OpenBet’s advanced technology suite and a history of scaling operations in dynamic markets make them the ideal partner for us. We foresee that this partnership will make us strong and competitive in the evolving Finnish market today and for the future.”

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2005

Under the proposals, Veikkaus would retain its monopoly on offline games and lotteries, but would face competition from private operators licensed for online betting.

Veikkaus BettingTBWA HelsinkiFinland2005

Pitkävedon esiin terminä toi Veikkaus. Pitkäveto tarkoittaa, että veto lyödään sisään ennen ottelua. Pitkäveto on ennakkoon määritellyillä kertoimilla (Fixed Odds) pelattavaa urheiluvedonlyöntiä. Kaikki kohteet eivät välttämättä ole urheilua, sillä voit lyödä vetoa esimerkiksi Sauli Niinistön seuraavan lapsen nimestä tai vaikka Yhdysvaltain presidentinvaalien voittajasta.